Find out your competitors
website's CMS
Gain a competitive edge in your market with our powerful CMS detector! Use our CMS checker to quickly detect the CMS your competitors are using. Instantly know the CMS name our CMS checker tool.
How Our CMS Detector Works leverages cutting-edge technology to quickly and accurately identify the content management system (CMS) used by any website. By analyzing raw website data and cross-referencing it with our extensive database of over 100 CMS profiles, our tool provides detailed and relevant information in just seconds.
Identify Themes
Find out which CMS theme a website is using with a single click.
Simply copy and paste the URL into the input field above and click 'Analyze'.
Website Insights
Our tool also displays the targeted website's meta description for deeper insights.
Recently Detected Websites
Website URL | CMS Name | Detected |
---|---|---| | WordPress | 3 hour(s) ago | | Shopify | 5 day(s) ago | | Shopify | 5 day(s) ago | | Shopify | 5 day(s) ago | | WordPress | 6 day(s) ago |